To Thine Own Self Be Zoo




alternate history









Poetry Pages

Poems: Let Them To Them; Dandelions; Dandelions 2.

Poems: 38 Haiku About Dogs; Twilight Forest; I Did Take Care Of Him After For The Record.

Poems: Untitled Peradventure; Deference; Deference 2; Reciprocal Amplification; Meditation.

Poems: Figurine Man; All The Happy Little Animals; Awakening.

Poems: Paws on my Butt; A Bad Hangover; The Marked and Pleasant Absence of a Hangover This Morning; Tender.

Sonnets: Whiteish greyish greenish pond water lies on this warm winter day in which we stand. Two loves, not seen as such to others’ eyes, one holds the other’s leash with gentle hand.

Poems: Bathroom; Factual Dog Status Awareness; Ambiguously Grammatical; Not All The Time Of Course But Sometimes; Couplet; Yet Another New And Happy Morning; Claws.

Poems: Slippers and Observations; Untitled Anything And This; Blackout Or Just Slipped My Mind.

A Haiku: A haiku that was written at the same time period as some other haiku that were included in last February’s issue, but had been omitted from that set.

Prose Poems: A Lad Insane.txt; A Lad Insane 2.txt or Cyndi Lauper; A Lad Insane 3.

Poems: Ducks; Fort Boysnuggle; Dog Pee; Passing by a T intersection in a gravel road by a pasture; New Recording 5; Grocery List; Queer Dogs; Squirrel; Apparent Loneliness; Partners In Really Emotionally Healthy And Cool Crimes; Feeling It; Sniffs; Memo; Air Conditioning; Dogs; Still Dogs tbh; Maternal; Untitled Maturation; Moment; Memento; Untitled Vague Green Bug; Metal Bit; Communication; I Get It; An Interest; Superlative; ZETA; (Shh Secrets For Zoosexuals Time); Police Dogs; Suddenly Cognizant Seconds Apropos Of A Life That While In That Moment Cliche Is Being Well Lived.

Poems: A Friend; Dog Sex Mattress; Food Court Meal; Afterglow; 10 Years.

Poems: This Body; Instruments; Figurine Man.

Poems: ghostly i-iii; Awroodrongk; Forward, Forward, Forward.

Poems: Put To Good Use; Cool Dream To Have; Repeat.

Poems: Said I; Happy Dog; Figurine Man; The Doorway; Remain.

A Lyric: Bone of my bone / And coat all your own / Blameless above man / My eyes in the dark

A Poem: A poem written sometime in the last month probably.


Most within To Thine Own Self Be Zoo written by Eggshell Ghosthearth.

This website contains works of literature, including narrative fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Within this literature, any resemblances to any existing copyrighted materials, trademarks, or persons is completely coincidental, or is used for artistic purposes within the bounds of Public Domain, Fair Use, or Public Figure Status. Much of the literature on this site contains themes of sexuality, though is at no point intended to be pornographic. To Thine Own Self Be Zoo is a personal project and is not a for-profit endeavor.