To Thine Own Self Be Zoo Volume 1 Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 -Issue 7- Issue 8 Issue 9 Issue 10 Issue 11 Issue 12 Issue α Volume 2 Issue 1 Issue β Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 |
Volume 1, Issue 7 Personal Ghosts Τύχων This One Shall Breathe Somewhere Else Empathy Farm Poems | |
PoemsBathroom I sit down and pee and you come and drink from the bathtub faucet and I pet you.
You drink from the bathtub faucet and I drink from the sink faucet.
I drink from the bathtub faucet feeling happy to do like you.
I stand in front of the mirror and brush my teeth and you come in and lie down with me so we can keep each other’s company even in this.
I enjoy when we have chance to share our bathroom together. I’m happy that you seem to enjoy it too.
Factual Dog Status Awareness Sometimes I am very aware that I’m dating a dog. That the person I’m kissing, Whose tongue is exploring the depths and corners of my mouth, Is a dog. That the person I’m spooning with, Holding and embracing their soft furry weight Against my naked stomach and arms and legs and balls and hard on, Is a dog. That the person I’m cooking food for, That the person I take ticks off of, That the person I let outside to pee and poop, Is the person I’m dating And that person is a dog. Every time I think of it, I am reminded of how lucky I am.
Ambiguously Grammatical “Pet a dog with a boner.” A misplaced modifier that, to be fair, sounds like a good time either way.
Not All The Time Of Course But Sometimes Dogs have sex sometimes, They totally do. Don’t believe it, Research where puppies come from.
Couplet Suck a dick, bust a nut Have a fun night with your mutt
Yet Another New And Happy Morning Today I woke up in a white dress I had bought and worn the night before (I have a penis) and I snuggled a dog (he has a penis). We hung out and then when I had to pee I went to the bathroom and did that and cupped both of my hands together towards the end and caught some of the last of it and had a sip, as much as I had caught. I had taken off the dress at some point, probably right before the piss thing. I washed my hands with soap and water twice and then me and my dog went on a walk after I changed into jeans and a girl shirt with a zipped up, comfortable, nice looking grey sweatshirt over the top. We took the route that my dog decided he wanted to go on that morning while I had piss on my breath (my dog drank some water before we left). When my dog took a shit I picked up what he had dropped because it keeps the parks a nicer place. I dropped the disposable bag of dog crap into a trash bin that I found before we went back inside. Inside I drank a glass of water and my dog ate a bowl of dry dog food and wet dog food mixed together for breakfast. New days, new combinations of old things. Live well and live free.
Claws Lookin at your claws They’re fucking awesome dude ζMost within To Thine Own Self Be Zoo written by Eggshell Ghosthearth. |