To Thine Own Self Be Zoo

Volume 1
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 9
Issue 10
Issue 11
Issue 12
Issue α

Volume 2
Issue 1
Issue β
Issue 2
-Issue 3-

Volume 2,
Issue 3

Incubus & Comrade

A Lyric

A Lyric



Bone of my bone

And coat all your own

Blameless above man

My eyes in the dark

Wet and gay maw

And fragrant paw

Sharing a den

Hearing your voice




Night skies!

Sudden rain


Miles in the car

Hither and far

Your thoughts on the trail

The smell of your breath

Landmark water towers

Minutes and hours

Laid out on the grass

Laid out in the sun




Night skies!

Sudden rain


Most within To Thine Own Self Be Zoo written by Eggshell Ghosthearth.

This website contains works of literature, including narrative fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Within this literature, any resemblances to any existing copyrighted materials, trademarks, or persons is completely coincidental, or is used for artistic purposes within the bounds of Public Domain, Fair Use, or Public Figure Status. Much of the literature on this site contains themes of sexuality, though is at no point intended to be pornographic. To Thine Own Self Be Zoo is a personal project and is not a for-profit endeavor.